Sports massage


Sports and Deep tissue massage Northwich

An effective form of therapy, not only for sports people but also for people needing relief from muscle tension, or just maintaining healthy muscles. A skill involving manipulating body soft tissues and specific muscle groups by using specialised techniques including stroking, kneading and compressing. We have both male and female therapists available and they can adapt the pressure to your specific needs.

Massage has some great benefits which include:

• Pain relief from certain conditions, such as fibromyalgia
• Reducing upper body tension, preventing headaches
• Preventing injury, keeping the muscles balanced 
• Can enhance sports performance and recovery 
• Increase mobility and range of movement for those with osteoarthritis

By incorporating regular massage into your personal health care plan, you increase your chances of preventing injury and functioning pain free. 

Massage can help a wide range of people, of all ages, and from many different backgrounds. From manual workers to office based, from drivers to dog walkers, from runners to avid gym goers, as well as those living with certain conditions such as Osteoarthritis and Fibromyalgia 

Still unsure? 

 If you have any concerns or questions regarding whether massage is right for you and how it can help, then by all means contact the clinic and someone will be on hand to help
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