

At Weaver Physio we add value to people’s lives by making improvements to their health. 

We advise and treat people Aged 50+ to enable them to become more mobile & active, living a healthy injury free & positive life. Our aim is to help people live without painkillers and to prevent and reduce trips to the GP.

At Weaver Physio we love to educate and empower people to become stronger & fitter for life enabling you to feel better, live better and age better.

✅Adding life to years becoming more active and independent
✅Slow down the ageing process
✅Improve your body shape and function, and boost your self-esteem


✅Reducing your risk of injury, illness and disease.
✅Enhance your quality of life by making everyday tasks easier
✅Improve your balance and flexibility to reduce your risk of falls and accidents
✅Help your state of mind, and reduce depression, anxiety and insomnia
You’ve probably heard the term “use it or lose it”, and it’s true. Nothing will speed up the ageing process quite like disuse and inactivity of the body, but performing functional exercise on a regular basis will improve your health and quality of life, and keep your body looking and feeling youthful. Daily movement is dynamic, but can also be unpredictable and unstable. At Weaver Physio we encourage functional training that incorporates a full-body approach to fitness that mimics everyday daily activities, enabling a healthier dynamic lifestyle.
As we age many of our bodily functions deteriorate with muscle mass decreasing, reaction time slowing and coordination, balance and flexibility are reduced. By taking control of your health, and simply being more active, you can stop yourself from being one of the growing number of people living with a reduced quality of life through injury, disease and illness. Engaging in regular strength training can make a dramatic difference and will address many changes that other types of exercise won’t.

Building strength should not mean that you become muscle-bound or lose flexibility. A strong body is one that is able to move fluidly. Keeping strong is essential for a healthy life especially as we age because every decade after the age of 30 the average person loses 5-10% of their muscle mass. It’s important to remember that structure governs function and if structure is weak, then function is compromised
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