Running Injury Clinic


At Weaver Physio we have over 30 years` experience in dealing with running Injuries and believe that injuries are not just a process of recovery but also a process of discovery. We are passionate about helping you become and staying injury free and achieving your performance goals.

RUN: Better, Faster, Longer, Stronger
Running injuries are a very common occurrence with 82% of runners getting injured, with 50% getting injured every year, so with these statistics in mind, it makes sense to include injury prevention into your training schedule. Over the last 4 years at Weaver Physio, we have treated hundreds of runners and during the subjective screening process, many factors have stood out that probably contribute to getting injured. These include:

1. Runners surviving on just a recipe of running, with no injury prevention tailored into their training schedule.
2. Not conditioned / strong enough to start running, or be able to tolerate the stresses running places on the human body
3. Long hours spent sitting during the day.
4. Poor or lack of warming up and cooling down properly
5. People following people (lack of focus or vision) of their own needs

When we first start to run, certainly as a child, it’s an autonomous activity and we are never really taught that it’s a skill that needs to be practiced, where as golfers, high jumpers, swimmers, tennis players spend lots of time improving the technical aspect of their sport, so why not running? Many runners run aimlessly with no real structure which often leads to injury and sub-optimal performance. As quoted by the famous Frank Dick “To build strength is pointless if your technical foundation is poor. First be technically sound, then build strength for effective performance”.
As a clinic we have developed a Runners MOT
which is a kinesiological evaluation which evaluates the structural components of the performing runner.

We also assess runners using the ViMove2 Run, which allows our team of physiotherapists to collect complex running data which cannot be seen by the human eye, by assessing and comparing the impact of individual variables such as speed, gradient, footwear, and running technique. We can then prescribe a tailored exercise program based on the data collected to reduce your injury risk and improve performance. Another popular course we run at the clinic is the Running Re-education Course which is designed to help you improve your running technique, to run more efficiently, stronger, faster and reduce the risk of injury. Please see below more details of the:
1. Runners MOT
2. ViMove2 Run Gait Analysis
3. Running Re-education course

1. Runners MOT

The Runners MOT running screening assessment includes a full body video gait analysis along with a series of specific tests to highlight any muscle imbalances.

A kinesiological evaluation which evaluates the structural components of the performing runner is conducted.

The evaluation will look for
1. Flexibility imbalances
2. Strength imbalances
3. Alignment - structural imbalances
4. Biomechanical imbalances

Specific exercises are then prescribed to address any imbalances found during the evaluation. Weaver Physio proactively help runners recover and prevent injuries!

All runners receive a Runners rehabilitation & injury prevention pack and a FREE 3 month follow up gait analysis.

A 1hr evaluation costs £40

2. ViMove2 Run Gait Analysis - CURRENTLY UNAVAILABLE

Want to get back into running but are being hindered by pain or injuries? Why not get a running assessment with the latest in wearable sensor technology to help us prescribe a tailored solution for your condition.

Gait Analysis is the study of human motion. By combining biomechanical tests, slow motion treadmill video analysis and the revolutionary wearable sensor technology ViMove2, our therapists can help athletes to improve their running performance, prevent injuries and recover faster.

What information can gait analysis provide?
We can measure and collect the following objective data from a ViMove2 gait analysis
1. Ground Reaction Force & Symmetry
2. Initial Peak Acceleration
3. Speed
4. Ground Contact Time
5. Cadence

A ViMove2 Gait analysis can help you to improve your running stride and performance by these factors. After the ViMove2 Run Gait Analysis, all of the data and observations are then analysed and from this we can then formulate a treatment/training programme, to improve your running performance.

A 1 Hour ViMove2 Gait Analysis is £40

3. Running Re-education Course 

A Running Re-education Course is now available at Weaver Physiotherapy & Sports Injury Clinic.

The course is designed to help you run more efficiently, stronger, faster and reduce the risk of injury.

The course will consist of 3 hours in total which will include:

1 .A 1 hour Musculoskeletal skeletal Screening (Runners MOT)
2. A gait analysis and 
3. 4 x 30 minute follow sessions to work specifically on re-educating your muscle pattern to improve the efficiency of your movement. 

We will also measure your leg strength and power to see if any discrepancies exist when comparing left and right.

The cost will be £100 for the 3 hour course which will also include course manual and exercise bands.

If you would like to book or have any questions about these services

Please give our admin team a call on 01606 227484, message through here or email 
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